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"Sorry an error has occurred. The application could not be installed. Try installing it again. If the problem persists, contact the application author." (Windows Vista / Windows 7)


This error can occur during installation if a standard or restricted user has turned off User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7 or Window Vista. From Control Panel, Open UAC and enable it. A restart could be required. Once complete, retry the installation.

If trying the above solution does not work then the install log can reveal the specific issue. You can get the contents of the install log using the following steps:

  • [Windows XP] C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs
  • [Windows Vista / Windows 7] C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\ AIR\logs
  1. Ensure that viewing hidden folders is enabled.  Instructions can be found on Microsoft's site:
    Windows 7VistaXP
  2. Navigate to the following folder (replace user name with your login name):
    • Windows 7:  C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\AIR\logs
    • Vista:  C:\Users\ user name\AppData\Local\Adobe\AIR\logs
    • XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs
    • Select all, and then copy and paste into a text file.

Use the contents of this text file to create a support ticket at

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Article details
Article ID: 17
Category: Spanish Accent Maestro
Date added: 2012-02-16 19:23:35
Views: 2220
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.0/5.0 (1)

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