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Problems registering Verbarrator


Most of the problems that occur during the time of registration of the Verbarrator are because the 'Serial No' or the 'Customer Name' do not match the ones that are there in our database.

So please ensure you have with you the following at the time of registering your copy of the Verbarrator:

  1. 'Name' and 'Email' as entered at the time of product registration.
  2. 'Serial No.' as given in your Member Area.(Please, enter Capitals and numbers as given in the serial number.)

In the case you are sure what you are entering is absolutely correct, please create a support ticket and we will help you.

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Article details
Article ID: 5
Category: Verbarrator
Date added: 2011-07-22 19:48:54
Views: 1359
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.7/5.0 (33)

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